Whether you're on the road or tucked away in your tiny home, you'll probably be tasked with doing a few things. One of them is cleaning up.
Fortunately, there are plenty of 12V portable washing machines out there. You can even run one on solar power.
The question is, which one is the best? Most portable washing machines aren't big on capacity. In fact, many of them can only handle one or two loads at a time. They're also pricey, and you may have to shell out a few hundred dollars to get the best deal. However, if you're looking for a machine that can get the job done, you'll be hard pressed to find a better match. There are several brands to choose from, including Camec, Daewoo, My Generator and more. It's a good idea to do your research before buying a new machine, since you'll likely have to pay a visit to the repair shop if things go awry.
The best way to decide which one is for you is to read reviews first. You can also compare models side-by-side. The best place to do that is on Amazon, where you'll find a number of top notch 12V portable washing machines. The company also carries a plethora of other items, from sock drawers to outdoor kitchens, so you're sure to find the perfect fit.
The best 12V portable washing machines on the market aren't cheap. You can expect to pay between $300 and $500 for a machine of comparable quality. In addition, you should look for a unit with at least three years of warranty. In a pinch, you can also buy a machine from a dealer, but you'll have to shell out more cash to get the best deal. As a rule of thumb, it's best to get a machine that's in stock, or one that will be shipped to your door.